Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Desa (E-Desa) Di Desa Pemali Kabupaten Bangka


Alim Bahri
Karmawan Karmawan


Community service that has been carried out is the Making of a
Village Management Information System Application. This
service activity was carried out at a special request from the
Pemali Village Head. Pemali Village, Bangka Regency, every
year there are village activities that involve researchers or
devotees from various fields of science. The existence of Bangka
Belitung University academics is expected to contribute to the
development and development of the village community and its
surroundings. Pemali Village has its own characteristics in terms
of communication and information to its citizens. From the
beginning the village had an information system that developed
with a bulletin board mechanism and oral communication.
However, because the data continues to grow in size, other
facilities are needed to manage it so that it is more conceptual
and systematic. The Village Information System actually grew in
response to environmental developments, has now become an
embryo capable of providing acceleration on public information
disclosure, transparency and accountability in good governance.
in storing data, calling data and processing data about the village.
This aspect of effectiveness and efficiency is the emphasis on the
background of the development of the village information system
by producing an output in the form of a Village Management
Information System Application (e-Desa) in Pemali Village,
Bangka Regency. The results in the field are that the
Development of a Village Management Information System (EDesa)

in Pemali Village, Bangka Regency is expected to
facilitate, accelerate and expedite the service of Pemali Village
apparatus to the community.
