Sosialisasi Motivasi Kewirausahaan dan Peluang Bisnis Online pada Industri Makanan Halal Kota Pangkalpinang


Eka Fitriyanti


Counseling and motivation to foster entrepreneurial
interest and online business opportunities in improving the halal
food industry in the city of Pangkalpinang are urgently needed,
one of these solutions is to increase the entrepreneurial spirit of
every halal food MSME actor in the area. The purpose of this
community service is to socialize and foster entrepreneurial
motivation and see online business opportunities to improve the
halal food industry in the city of Pangkalpinang. The service is
carried out at the production site of each halal food MSME. The
method of community service activities begins with the
preparation stage, this activity first seeks participant data at
LPPOM MUI, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Furthermore,
the implementation stage of material presentation activities is
carried out by presenters delivering socialization material and
entrepreneurial motivation, and online business opportunities.
The results of this activity indicate that the MSME halal food
business actors in Pangkalpinang City, after participating in the
socialization and entrepreneurial motivation of the participants'
knowledge, in this case, the majority of halal food MSME actors
were in the category of not understanding the concept of
entrepreneurship and less motivated because they did not
understand the potential. But after the PKM activities were
carried out and the presentation of the material was delivered, it
was found that the participants' knowledge about
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial self-potential and the use
of online media in doing business had increased.
